Three different names and yet might be the same product or at least the same use. Yes, the name is not as important however what you get and how you will use the new space is very important. If you are considering to enclose an existing patio or build a room addition start by consulting with an experience license contractor. Such a contractor can give you a lot of information that you probably are not aware of. Such as building codes, zoning codes, choice of materials, etc. Some people are looking only at the ROI (return on investment) but most people realizes that you can not put a dollar value on comfort and lifestyle. We recommend that you will read previous posting in this Blog. You might find a useful information that will help in deciding what you want. Fell free to contact us at 302-791-3228 or write to akagan1@cox.net
I totally agree!! Just heard a story from a friend that paid a Handy Man for running gas line to an addition to the home. Making a long story short, they paid about double in the long run, and took an extra month to get it all complete as they didn't pull the right permits and such from the city! Had they went with a Licensed Contractor, would have been done right the first time, and for half the cost of what they ended up spending!
The best protection that the home owner can have is to hire a license contractor who file a building permit. Than the building inspector will make sure that all work is done correctly and by code
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